Studio work

January 21, 2017

After many years, I finally made time to finish the main room of my studio and add gas heat.  As usual, I was my own contractor.

An extra benefit is that the drywall reflects the southern sunlight that comes through the main doors.  While the light has always been good, the diffuse reflections from all sides reduce shadows and provide an even better environment.

This room is about 16 feet square, and 20 feet high.  Because I couldn’t completely empty the space, the work required considerable acrobatics, even with a scaffold & a helper for some of the work.

The upgrades make it possible to do more work, more comfortably on the coldest days of the year.

For a complete tour of the studio before this work, see the 2014 blog post in Erin Little’s studio tours series.  Her photography makes everything look good.


© Andreas von Huene