Currently available

Although much of my work is done on commission, I also am inspired to create without a specific customer in mind.

I am pleased to offer these works for purchase.  Please contact me for a quotation on any of these, or to discuss your interest in commissioning a new work.

You can click on any image for a larger view.

For some of these works, additional images are available on the Works page.

 4-8-4 (Locomotive)Quartzite and  stainless steel
Articulation 2ArticulationJonesboro Pink granite
AtalantaBronze on Gabbro
BisonGneiss and granite
 Black EagleBasalt
Blue Clouds White SkyQuartzite on granite
ChrysalisChrysalis smallGreen Basalt
 ChrysalisChrysalis largeBlack basalt
Cloud RollerCloud RollerQuartzite
 Dory and WaveStone and marble
 Drive  (Auto)Quartzite, stainless steel and Brazilian Cherry
 In the Dunes (figure)Stone
Khamsin (figure)Red granite
Khamsin (I)Bubinga and bronze
Library HeronBronze
OculusBubinga, Steel
O.!Stainless steel
Owl Rising – SoldGranite
Owl, SnowyGraphic granite (Feldspar)
Pull of the MoonGranite
Rift ValleyGranite
Short-Eared OwlGranite
SoliumSoliumGranite, Stainless steel, wood
Stalking HeronBronze
Heron elmStanding Heron- HerbieElm
Stepping OutGranite and stainless steel
 Storm RisingBasalt wedge
To the WaterTo the WaterGranite
Trout (small)Granite
 Trout, LargeGranite
TryptichTryptichGranite, Stainless steel
Turning Great Horned OwlGranite
(hanging or on post)
 Untitled Figure (Mistral)Granite on granite
VOBubinga, bronze
Wildcat smallBronze on basalt
© Andreas von Huene